Radio station of Kenji Rikitake, JJ1BDX
QSL info
JJ1BDX QSL and QTH info
N6BDX and KP4/N6BDX QSL and QTH info
airspy-fmradion multipath filter demo (August 2019)
Audio passive CW LPF+BPF to reduce radio hiss sound and interference
Audio passive LPF to reduce radio hiss sound
Notice on JARL non-membership
JJ1BDX QSL and QTH info
JJ1BDX contact records March 2020 - December 2024
JJY audible simulator
N6BDX (and KP4/N6BDX) QSL and QTH info
Notable netradio stations
Radio station frequencies around KRPEO office/house
Notice on not working Russian and Belarusian stations since 24-FEB-2022
Radio station JJ1BDX profile
WSPR reference numbers for 2-minute WSPR (WSPR-2)
Yaesu FT-710: a private review
Zeroing Out: rants against the radio culture (ja/en)